Resorts using Planniac so far have benefitted from the way our web app keeps details organized and on-hand for front desk staff. At the same time, Planniac has benefitted from the Pilot program by learning more about the unique needs of resorts.

For example, one of our Pilot resorts, a jungle lodge, has a lot of groups booking multiple rooms and tour packages. Planniac handles those bookings better than ever. By linking rooms that are traveling together, the resort staff can track group activities but still provide individual guest itineraries. Someone in the group might prefer to “sit this one out” when it comes to a particular tour. No problem for Planniac to keep track of that so the guides know exactly who is and isn’t joining in.

Several Pilot resorts have given us feedback on reports and now they are more useful than ever.

And one Pilot user in particular, we call her our Super User, loves being the first to report little bugs. There aren’t many, but we don’t want any!

If your resort uses Cloudbeds and you’d like to try Planniac for guest itineraries and resort activity management, there’s still time to help us in our Pilot phase. We hope we can help you and you can help us!